In Memory of





Condolence From: Kim Watt
Condolence: Wendy Mae, Words can't express the hole that remains within me. Thank you,for the lifetime of love and support that best friends share together. So many memories fill my heart and mind as I sit and think of the story of us. Thick or thin, day or night,no matter what,you were always there to lend a shoulder or an ear. So much laughter and good times Driving Jose nuts, one our favorite past times!😃 Poor Jose. lol Our favorite late night games of Canasta and Scrabble (you didn't always win!) while enjoying Cold Duck and giggling. Spending our free time going to garage sales, going out with the girls (the fun times). Not to forget us racing to finish the latest JC Andrews or Julie Garwood books so we could talk about it. Hey gotta get the latest Cosmo too. You will be missed greatly my dear friend and I will keep those promises we talked about, no worries. Tell Missy and Tammy I,said hi and hugs too. Til I see you again my dear friend save my seat. I love you
Saturday April 22, 2017
Condolence From: Angie Lavengood
Condolence: You were the best sister. There won't be a day that I won't miss you & wish you were here with us! We will devote ourselves to making sure your children know your love every day!
Friday April 21, 2017